
Friday, December 30, 2011

Skyhigh Quest (Shattered Stars) - Celestial Destroyer AKA Zhu Xian 2

Shattered Stars Quest (CD)

Hi guys,

today  I want to share with all of you a quest in Celestial Destroyer called "SHATTERED STARS" which you can do after your character have a Flying Sword + Level 45 (that is at level 45 from the treasure chest - for player who don't want to buy the flying sword using money). 

This quest gives your character so much experience ( i think almost enough for 1 level ). but this quest only available once a day.
So, to do this quest, 

1) Go to Slyriver town,
2) Go in front of the Matchmaker NPC,
3) Look straight upward, you can see 1 NPC standing on a cloud. If you meet the requirement > level 45 + flying sword, the npc will have green flag above his head = means you can do the mission/quest.
4) Now mount on your flying sword and speak to him.
5) After you speak to him about the quest, he will ask you to go to Skytone and ask you to speak with a man at the tower(standing on cloud). The tower is on bottom right of Skytone Map. Here you will need your flying sword because the NPC is standing on a cloud.
6) After that, the npc at te tower will ask you to go back to Slyriver and collect 10 shattered stars that scattered at the roof of slyriver town. Should be easy to spot.
7) After you gather 10 shattered stars, speak to the NPC that gives you this quest. 
8) Done.
You should be able to get experienced point about 60-70%. Have Fun.

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